GROW God Reveals Our Way

Episode 007 - Ricky Vallerga: Divine Connections and the Healing Power of Shared Stories

Angelic Gibson Season 1 Episode 7

When an ordinary Uber ride with Ricky Vallerga blossoms into a divine appointment, it's a gentle reminder that life is full of unexpected connections that can deeply touch our souls. Join me, Angelic Gibson, as I recount this serendipitous meeting that leads us into a reflective conversation about God's intricate work in our lives. Our exchange serves as a powerful illustration of how every interaction holds the potential to impact our journeys, weaving in the truth that sometimes strangers are placed in our path for a purpose far greater than we could imagine.

Life's challenges often leave scars that we carry into adulthood, and it's within the vulnerability of sharing these experiences that true healing can begin. Ricky's story unveils the cathartic power of counseling and community support. This episode is not just a narrative of personal resilience but also an invitation for listeners to embrace the courage it takes to seek help and the transformative journey that follows. Discover how the complexities of forgiveness can lead to profound healing, as we discuss the importance of facing our pain and the growth that comes from such bravery.

Like Ricky, may your path be lit bright as you find your purpose and peace.

Here is the link to check out Ricky's brand to follow on Instagram:

Instagram: Grit Clothing USA

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Grow where God reveals our way. I'm Angelique Gibson, your host, and I can't wait to explore the vast riches of God's word with you. So don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned for upcoming episodes packed with biblical teachings, inspirational stories and a fresh perspective on the world around us. Now let's get started on this beautiful journey. May God bless you abundantly. Hello, it's so wonderful to be with you today. I am so excited to just bring you this very special guest on today's Grow podcast.

Speaker 1:

God works in very mysterious ways. I had the privilege of going out to Colorado Springs in Colorado, in February of this year. I actually went out there for a conference, a victory conference, on February 22nd 2024. And I had the privilege of meeting the gentleman you're going to hear about today. And you know, when I think about how I met him, which you're going to learn about in a minute, I just think about how God is always at work. He's always at work around us. If we would just stop, pause and see what he's doing right before our eyes, it can be in the most unexpected opportunities where he literally will connect his children together.

Speaker 1:

And that is the story of me and my special guest today. It also reminds me of a scripture that I love so much, and I'm going to read it to you. It says Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so, some have unwittingly entertained angels. Well, he may not be a spiritual figure of an angel, but he is certainly an angel from the Lord, and this is what has happened.

Speaker 1:

So, as I told you, I was out in Colorado Springs going to a conference to praise the Lord and just learn more about what he's going to do in and through our country for 2024. It's a big year for our nation, and so I really wanted to be under the teaching and the worship at this conference, and it compelled me so much that it put me on an airplane from Charlotte to Colorado, and it was just an incredible experience. That will be for a later episode, but today I am going to bring you, my dear friend, ricky Valerga, onto the show. We're just going to have an incredible conversation. So, ricky, say hello, and then I'm going to tell people how I met you, and I would also like you to tell your side of how we met Ricky.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Thank you, angelique. Hello everyone, nice to, I guess, meet you all or hear from you guys, so it's been great.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and so we met. You know we were. My daughter came with me out to Colorado for this conference, and we were staying at a hotel, probably I don't know five to seven minutes from the church that the conference was being hosted at. So what did we do? I mean, we didn't run a car, we certainly weren't going to walk, and so in today's world, you call an Uber and that's what we did we phoned a friend and we got Ricky. Ricky was our Uber driver, right Ricky.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that is correct, and that was a great ride, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and so the Lord just started opening. Do you remember he started opening the door to our conversation? Do you remember how our conversation started?

Speaker 2:

just felt I was like man, how do I even start this conversation? And so I guess my first question was just are you guys going to church or do you work there? And then I found out that there was a huge conference from you guys, and then the conversation just continued to flow and was so good.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and my daughter and I in that short cab ride. We got to learn so much about Ricky. We got to hear what the Lord is doing in and through his life. God is so sovereign. You're going to hear about that and if we just slow down and just start to have conversation, god really reminded me. Typically, when I get an Uber, I start asking how long have you been driving Uber? How many times have you heard that, ricky?

Speaker 1:

Uh, many times many times what brought you to Colorado? Da, da, da, like you start to go through your typical questions that you go with any person you don't really know. But the important thing that, when I read that scripture just a moment ago from Hebrews uh 13, one and two, is that you never know who God is putting in your presence a stranger because he actually wants a deeper connection. And that's what God has done through a short little Uber ride here. And so literally the conversation in 10 minutes just blossomed and we got to hear the heart of Ricky and what God has done some amazing things through some challenges, just totally blessed my daughter and me to hear his testimony. And then we got to do. One of the coolest things is we got to close in prayer and just bless each other before we hopped out of the car ride. And then we also obviously exchanged contact information because we needed to reconnect, stay connected and do the show together. So, ricky, I've said a lot, but I'm so grateful that God put us together.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited for the future Me too.

Speaker 1:

We're going to stay connected and I want to get into you because that's why we're having this conversation. So let's just start off with tell me a little bit about who you are from God's perspective. Who are you?

Speaker 2:

And just where did Ricky come from? Yeah, so I'm a child of God, of course, and royalty, as it states in the Bible. But where did I come from? I grew up in the Bay Area with my parents and my little brother and, honestly, life was pretty great for me, like I had a really good childhood Up until the age of nine I had to deal with some sexual assault that happened to me and then just really throughout middle school and high school, throughout middle school and high school right just had various types of bullying that would happen to me as well and I really I really didn't.

Speaker 2:

If you were to see me in that time period, I wasn't really phased by it, wasn't like, oh my gosh, ricky looks distraught. I I honestly probably looked perfectly fine on the outside and on the inside as well. I didn't really deal with it, I guess you could say, until I went off to college, getting a degree in psychology really just went deep into my life and really forced me, in a sense, to really look back on my life and see everything that happened and that was just tough and I really I really questioned the idea of living multiple times and I could say that that was where I probably was the most distant with God, still believed in him, was the most distant with God, still believed in him. But as far as having a relationship, it was probably more so of me trying to get a benefit package without doing any work, and it was just tough. And I really did question the idea of living. And I just told God one day you know what, I know what? Like I've gone through too much pain, I'm not doing anything in my life. What's the point? And I remember God, I attempted to try and design my life and I remember God said nope, I have some better things for you. Did I necessarily believe in that moment? Not necessarily.

Speaker 2:

But then stepping into marriage and, of course, uh, my beautiful bride just being so kind, um, you know, I still had a lot of tough things, uh, that a lot of baggage that I brought into early months of marriage and my's, like you, got to go see a counselor and I did, and it was hard, it was really hard.

Speaker 2:

And so, for those of you out there that maybe feel like you're not sure if life is worth it, it's totally worth it.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna have to put in some hard work, though, for sure, but from where I was at to where I'm now man, I'm so grateful for it and my counselor just walking through with me.

Speaker 2:

I picked the Christian counselor, of course, because I wanted the truth of the word, but also someone who was going to stand beside me and push me as well. And so I'd say, you know, for those of you that are questioning the idea of counseling, step out and step out and take a leap of faith and really find a counselor who's going to push you and believe in you and find a community as well that will encourage you as well, because in those dark days, like for me, when I really didn't know if I was going to, when I was starting to believe the lies of the enemy and not the truth of what God has called me to be and what I am to him, have a strong community of family and friends that will know what God has called you to be and who God sees you for, and will push you in that sense and not side with you with the lies of the enemy.

Speaker 1:

Amen, you know a couple of things just kind of click in there. I just want to thank you for just being so courageous. You know, it's one thing to kind of share a bit of yourself, uh, to one person or two people, one-on-one, like you did in a cab ride with my daughter and myself or I should say Uber ride, not cab, sorry, ricky.

Speaker 1:

Um but to to share it openly to the public, like you're doing right now. It's incredibly brave and we know the abuse that you mentioned that you had to live through as a child. That is not something that's small or trivial. Obviously, we know the trauma that can is a result of that, and so just your bravery to talk about it, to help another you know it's very much said God says what's in the dark, bring to the light. You know it's very much said God says what's in the dark, bring to the light. And he does that. So healing can be healing for you, continued healing.

Speaker 1:

Because I do believe that some of these soul wounds that we have as humans and some go deeper than others can take an entire lifetime to fully heal. So I don't know that there's ever a day where we just wake up in life and say yeah. So I don't know that there's ever a day where we just wake up in life and say yeah, I'm a hundred percent. But the courage to face the hurt, face the pain, the trauma, and to just see what God can do through the bowels of the suffering is incredibly courageous. So I just want to just affirm you and the power of your testimony and just your strength to have the courage to get help.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, thank you, I, I appreciate it. Uh, I needed the help for sure. Uh, that that was definitely where I was at.

Speaker 1:

So give, give our listeners just a time period reference point. So when you went to college, you you were living in the Bay area. How did you, um, like what did you go from the Bay Area to Colorado? How did you get there? When did you meet your wife? Just kind of fill in some of those blanks for us so we can put a picture together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so me and my wife actually met at a church near the Bay Area and served with special needs children together. And then, when I went to college, I went to college in Southern California For reference, it's right by Long Beach. It was not Long Beach University, but it was right by Long Beach and then, after once 2020 hit and the pandemic hit pretty much around the United States, especially California, they just sent out an email saying, hey, if you have a place to go rather than the dorms, you got to go. And so I remember it was in the middle of the week and so I remember it was in the middle of the week I took my bags from Southern California back to Northern California, stayed there for like a year yeah, about a year Me and my wife. Now we got engaged in 2020.

Speaker 2:

And then, in 2021, me, my wife, my father and mother-in-law all made the decision to move to Colorado because my two sister-in-laws had already been living there. We made the poor decision to move in December, and California doesn't get cold, but Colorado, in December, gets very cold. So we were like, what did we do? But, yes, so that's how I eventually made my way to Colorado.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Thanks for sharing that. And when did you get married?

Speaker 2:

We got married in October of 2021.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, okay, so you're coming up on three years this year.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, that's excellent Okay.

Speaker 1:

So what were some of the things that you'd be open to sharing, like some of the behaviors that you were exhibiting? That really was the I would say, the pushing point to say you know what? I do need to seek loving counsel, as you described. You described your counselor. What were some of those behaviors that started to come up? If you will that you said you know what. I can't ignore this anymore. I need to get some help.

Speaker 2:

Yeah for sure. So more so me. You could say hearing only what I wanted to hear. You could say hearing only what I wanted to hear. So if I was in a negative headspace and if my wife was saying something encouraging, but she was pointing out my behavior, I would only hear the part of oh see, she's only pointing out my behavior, but not the encouraging things. I would just disregard that. I would also overreact. I guess you could say I was.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know how to handle triggers. So if something happened, even if it wasn't to me, but if something close to my heart, man, I would just blow up. It wasn't like, it wasn't a sense of, you know, being mad and like cursing, but I just had this emotion of just anger and it just it just spewed off of me like people knew like oh, don't talk to Ricky right now, he's not happy. And yeah, just only thinking of how I wanted to think of situations holding things deep because I suppressed before I suppressed all sexual assault, the bullying, all of it. For gosh, I think. Oh, man, maybe about 22 years wow of just pure suppressed, like you weren't.

Speaker 2:

I would let you get close, but you weren't gonna get super close, um, and so then I just remember you, my wife and I were talking and it was something so small and I just I just like broke down and just kind of lost it and she just told me she was like she's like this is not going to be healthy for our marriage and you need to seek help. So it wasn't so really to even answer your question. It wasn't really me that was like I need to go seek counseling. I was kind of just put in a position of like, hey, if I want to see my marriage last and I want to be with my best friend forever, I need to go seek counseling and I need to do this for her. But down the road, of course, I saw just how beneficial it was for me and how much I really didn't need it.

Speaker 1:

You know, and that's just so important. You know, God is so sovereign that he puts people in our life. He sees every hurt, every, every sin that has been done to us. He sees the consequence of the pain that it can cause the person who's being harmed. And he's so sovereign to bring people of healing into our path that we can love and we can trust. And we may start a process kicking and screaming, but man, god, is also faithful to bless our faithfulness in the journey and so I just love that.

Speaker 1:

Your story is evidence of that. So how did you start to see your heart change towards what I'm hearing is a renewing of the mind and a renewing of the heart. And God says do not conform to the ways of the world, but forever be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can know the good and perfect will of the Lord, romans 12. And people say that scripture a lot.

Speaker 1:

But to actually go through the process when you're facing something like you're facing, like, wow, how did you start to see it and what did that look like?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I think it was more mature reactions to make sense, or I wouldn't sorry a more, more mature response, not a reaction, because when I was immature and didn't know how to handle my business, you could say I was reacting. I was just reacting, and so if I was in a negative headspace, of course I would react in a negative way. But. But after seeking counseling and after continually doing the homework and finding ways on man, how can I be a better Ricky? How can I, how can I be a better friend to my community?

Speaker 2:

But how can I also be a better husband, a better son in law, all these things? And to me it really came down to a response how, when, when I'm in a negative headspace, how am I going to respond? Am I just going to blow up again and say you know what all the hard work I did, let's just toss it out the window and start over? Or am I going to continually remind myself hey, look, how far you have come, let's not just screw this up again. And of course, you're going to have moments like I'm not perfect, far from it, and so I understand. For myself, there's going to be some days where it's like all right, today wasn't the best day.

Speaker 1:

But it's not consistent fruit.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely. It is not consistent fruit. And so I think that's for me and just finding hope and purpose in my life too, because before I didn't have that I just had. I just looked at my trauma and just said I'm not worthy of anything good. But now I see my life and it's like no, all the trauma and hard times that I've gone through. Man, I can be a vessel of encouragement and hope to someone else. So why not strive for that? And so that's how I really started to change my mind.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So I just want to reinforce a couple of things that you said that I absolutely love. How can I be a better Ricky, how can I be a better Angelique, how can I be a better husband? And then I just say, how can I be a better wife, mother, father, like fill in the blank, it's so good If we can be humble. God says that the humble will be exalted, the exalted will be humbled. So if we can just put ourselves in check, so start the renewal process, the renewing of the mind, through just asking the simple question how can I be better, how can I be the best version of myself?

Speaker 1:

I think that is such a phenomenal question that we all need to continually be curious about, especially in the day and age that we're in, when you know, much of what we see out on any media forum can lend itself towards me, me, me, me, me and the other person is at fault. And there's a lot of division right now in, specifically, our country and the world right at large. Uh, so the problem with the division is the division is saying the other person, the other people, group, the other, whatever is the problem, as opposed to there's only one person, who is not the problem, and that's Jesus Christ. So we all have room in our life to say what in me needs to change so I can be the better version of who God created me to be. So again, absolutely phenomenal. What is one of your anchor verses that you have found through your journey that you just look to and you just get life from it.

Speaker 2:

One of my anchor verses, I would say. I was actually talking to my counselor about this. It's probably about a year and a half ago and it really just stuck with me, but it's Genesis 50, 20, and it's the story of Joseph. So, if you don't know, joseph was betrayed by his brothers and Joseph just went through a whole lot of hard times. But when he finally sees his brothers, he says what you intended for evil, god intended for good and the saving of many lives.

Speaker 2:

And no, I'm not Joseph, none of us are. But I just think when we look at the enemy and when we look at Jesus, the enemy intends nothing but evil things for us. Oh, you're depressed Good, keep on being depressed. Oh, you're suffering Good, keep on doing this. But God has such a beautiful plan to it and something so good behind it. And if we just change our perspective to that where we know God is a loving Father and he is going to be someone who is always by our side, always has our back, then we know in confidence that the pain and trials that we're going through are intended for good. Whether it's encouraging someone, whether it's reminding ourselves of how faithful and how good he is, whatever it may be, there is something good behind it.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So Joseph is one of my favorite. Well, I say that about every person in the Bible, but so he's one of my favorite people in the Bible, and it's in Genesis where you find that. And so when you're hearing Joseph's testimony, what you meant for evil, God meant it for good.

Speaker 1:

There's that view of how Joseph saw God, the Father which he just loved God and he trusted God, and he literally experienced God. Take what had been some of the most traumatic things in Joseph's life. I mean, he was imprisoned, he was captured, he was imprisoned as a slave. He really went through the ringer. He was actually. His brothers cast him out to be dead and his father, jacob, just grieved over the loss of Joseph. So, listeners, if you haven't read that in Genesis, just go put your eyes on it, let it marinate in your heart, just the tragedy that Joseph had to walk through. And for him, then, what happened is it took that trial, it took that tribulation that Joseph had to walk through to get to the destiny where God called him. So he had to go through that valley to get to the destiny, and the destiny was that he saved an entire nation from famine and he was promoted to the second most powerful person in the nation.

Speaker 1:

And so, again, to go to your destiny. It's not this perfect path. You go through hardships in the valley and you know the enemy is trying to block you, because the enemy knows what the fruit is going to be for the Lord and he tries to block it. And so you got this realization, though, that Joseph knew better and that he was set apart for a great purpose, just like you, ricky. You're set apart for a great purpose because there's so many people who share your testimony and who share your pain and we have silenced it as a culture for so long and you see it just bubbling up everywhere and your bravery to talk about it. You're going to create pathways for other people to have healing and even protecting children. That's a whole nother angle that we're not going to get to today, but what needs to happen to start protecting our children? There's so much work we need to do, because what happened to you is not okay, and it's. We need to now be ready to protect the next generation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The other thing that Joseph did that I think is so incredibly important is that he looked on his brothers with immediate forgiveness. He was so heartbroken over the loss of time and connection with them.

Speaker 1:

He wasn't caught up in what they did. He was anxious to get the relationships restored. And so there's this level of forgiveness that had to be in his heart. Just tell us a little bit about that too, because part of renewing the mind is, yes, coming from a position of how do I be the better version of myself, but then also knowing how much hurt you had to walk through. There's a reality that part of healing has to come from a place of forgiveness to those that hurt you.

Speaker 1:

reality, that part of healing has to come from a place of forgiveness to those that hurt you. So what did that look like for you? Or does, because it's a continual process, I'm sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it, it's a challenging. It's a challenging spot for sure.

Speaker 2:

I tell people that the special encounters I get to have, or interactions, they'll ask about forgiveness and I say, man, when you go through counseling, forgiveness is like you're, is like the last boss or you're just right there, and it's one of those things where you gotta tell yourself all right, we could move on to this journey and like, just forgive people, or we're going to have to start all the way back or take five steps back. And so, for me, I really pondered and questioned the idea of, like God, what, what is forgiveness? Because a poor example would be you have two siblings fighting and then mom comes into play and says okay, you guys just need to forgive each other and hug it out and say sorry. It's like are you really like, did you really forgive, you know? And so, for me, I really wrestled with the idea of like man, what does forgiveness look like?

Speaker 2:

And so, for me, I think it's, when anyone mentions forgiveness, a name. So I know, of course, the person who sexually assaulted me, the names of my bullies, and so, for me, I really asked the question God man, when someone even says their name, even if it's not them, let's just say it's someone else who has the same name as them, even if it's not them, let's just say it's someone else who has the same name as them. Let my heart be still. I don't want my heart to start beating more or having anger. And I think that's what it is, because if, if I walk around right and even if I never encounter or see them again, but someone shares the same name, and they say and I'm still angry or I'm still bitter, someone shares the same name and they say and I'm still angry or I'm still bitter, then I haven't forgiven them and one thing I told myself was uh, I know for the trauma I went through.

Speaker 2:

There are already plenty of people that are probably against that person or wishing ill will towards them, and so why, of course, having my own clothing brand and all these things? Why would I want to be the same as that when I could be different and actually say you know what, lord, I hope they find you and I hope they find peace and I hope they find just a relationship with you and I hope that they're able to forgive themselves to an extent and just move on.

Speaker 2:

And so for me that's what forgiveness looks like, because, like I said, I may never encounter again. But if I just have thoughts and I'm angry or so, then the question begs to ask did I really forgive them? And that's something that I just I don't want to deal with necessarily.

Speaker 1:

That's so powerful, ricky, and you know you shared another one of your anchor verses with me and I think it is a true demonstration of living it out. The way that you're walking in forgiveness is. It's the epitomization of this verse. Can you share the second verse? That is just meaningful to you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Proverbs 3, 5 through 6, which is trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. Seek his will in every way and he will show you which path to take.

Speaker 1:

Amen yeah. I'm telling you listeners I know you're out there putting an exclamation point on that, because I am. It is just so powerful, ricky. And you know it's so funny because you just mentioned that you have a clothing line and I do that.

Speaker 1:

you have a clothing line and everyone. I just want you to know that this is called God creating beauty from ashes, Because when you take the hurt and the pain that Ricky has walked through and he stops and he pauses, with partnership of the Lord and in his community, with his bride at his right hand, and he is courageous enough to take steps towards healing, God creates beauty from ashes. And so, Ricky, tell us about this clothing line that you have and in the show notes and on social media we're going to have, how do you find this clothing line? But let us hear about the amazing business that you have birthed from what you've walked through. It's incredible.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Yeah, so I created a clothing line called GRIT G-R-I-T Clothing USA, and what it's about is it's really for everyone and it's just reminding you that you matter, your story matters and that you've got what it takes to get through the day. It might be the hardest day ever, but if you're resilient and you have grit, then kudos to you. And what I realized, like Angelique said, from just my trauma going through those hard times I really did want to give up on life and I did have people next to me, but I didn't really share with them. And so, for Great Clothing USA, our hope is that we create a social media page that is just about hope and encouragement, but also creating clothing that reminds you, like I said, that you matter, you've got what it takes, because I think there's just something so powerful that serves as a constant reminder that you just weren't put on this planet for nothing.

Speaker 2:

You have, you have a purpose in life, and, whether you believe in god or not, I can assure you that you have a purpose. You're not just a waste of breath. So don't believe that lie that, oh, I'm just a waste of breath or something. You are not. You, you have value, you are special. There is only one of you. There's not two. There's only one of you, and you've got something that this world needs.

Speaker 1:

Amen, Gosh, I'm getting my clothing. Seriously, there's nothing better to wear clothes that have meaning. And God says that we're. We are to put his truth on the doorposts of our house, on our foreheads, on our wrists, like literally clothe ourself. Literally clothe ourself in his truth. And he calls us to have strength and grit and to know who we are, that our life matters, that we have a unique purpose set apart to bring him glory. And when we bring him glory, what that means is that we are letting the world know of his love.

Speaker 1:

It is not this. You know, the Lord wants all the glory and he's, you know, egotistical. It's no, he loves his people so much and he wants them to work to walk in freedom and truth and love. And when that happens, the glory of his love radiates and it delights his heart so much because he loves us so much. So I just again, I just commend you for going after it and creating this beautiful clothing line. And it's fun, it's trendy, it's hip. I love it, I checked it out and I'm getting clothes from it.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So we all need some Got to support you, and so I just ask all of our listeners to go check it out again. How to find it will be in the show notes here and on social media, but definitely check Ricky and his workout. Ricky, what are some closing thoughts that you have for our listeners?

Speaker 2:

I would. My main closing thought I would just say is there is hope for you. If you feel like you are just in a hole right now, do not believe that that is the end for you. You are in a hole, you haven't even reached the surface yet, and so just know that you matter. Your life matters, whatever hardships you might be going through, that's not the end for you. Matter of fact, that's probably just the beginning of something so beautiful. I know, for me, when I was going through my hardships, I really did think it was the end. Through my hardships, I really did think it was the end, but, being on the other side of it, I can promise you that dividends will pay and your story of how you got through it will be such an encouragement to so many. So just know there's only one of you, you're special, you're valuable. There's only one of you. You're special, you're valuable and your life matters and there's hope for you and there's a purpose for you on this earth, so don't ever forget that.

Speaker 1:

amen. Well said, ricky, I'm going to close this out in prayer and, uh, then, uh, we'll go about our day here. So, heavenly father, we just love you and we thank you for this time that you have given Ricky and myself, and we thank you for that Uber ride, and it was just such a divine connection. I just thank you for Ricky's courage to speak your truth and to walk boldly in your ways and to really just walk the path of healing and forgiveness. Lord, many are called, but only a few are chosen. And, lord, I just thank you that he has just chosen to walk your path. Lord, I thank you that you were going to bless his just his mind and his heart and the work of his hands, and that his grit clothing USA is just going to go to millions across the globe, lord and all, to serve your kingdom and your purposes, for your glory. Just let the love of Christ shine bright in all that he does.

Speaker 1:

And, lord, I just thank you for all the listeners out there. Lord, I thank you that, as we just go about our day, that you put a hedge of protection around each listener, that if anything was said today that just stirred up their heart stirred up, their heart pain was stirred up or any anything that could have just, you know, really, um, just created some reminders of just some hard spots in life. Lord, I thank you that your just Holy spirit just be salve to their heart and just cover them and let your peace just be settled deep into their heart. And, lord, I just thank you that you're surrounding them in community people to help them continue on the pathway with you for continued healing, as we all need it. Lord, we love you. We do this for your glory and for your love to spread. In the name of Jesus, we pray Amen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, thanks, ricky, have a nice day.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, you too.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Grow where God reveals our way. We hope you found inspiration, wisdom and encouragement as we continue on this faith-filled journey together. We invite you to subscribe to Grow so you never miss an episode. Stay tuned for more biblical teachings, heartfelt testimonies and insights that will nourish your spirit and deepen your relationship with God. We appreciate your support and participation in this podcast. Until next time, may you grow in faith, love and knowledge of his divine plan. May God bless you abundantly.

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